45 Pieces Round Gift Box

45 bonbons with the choice of:

Best-Seller Collection
All time favorites list! Let our time-proven list is bound to delight and please each chocolate lover. Includes all-time hits hazelnut cookie, peanut butter toast, mango passion, classic white, cappuccino, classic milk, classic dark, pineapple coconut, mint, lime lemongrass, pistachio, and sweet laksa. 
Seasonal Journey Collection  
Enjoy chocolates that are a reflection of the current season's harvest of fruits, spice, herbs, berries, and nuts. 
All Dark Collection 
Dark chocolate fans rejoice!
Keto & Sugarfree Collection 
Includes sugar free dark and sugar free milk chocolates.

(Chocolates may include off-menu flavors and be substituted if temporarily out of stock or season)

Dimension of the box 
Diameter X Height
255 x 43mm

Collections: Best Sellers, Gift Box

Category: gift, gift box